Description In our joinery company WoodAndHome we provide top high quality double glazed windows and doors made from softwood or hardwood timber.

Why timber? The reason is simple as the life expectancy of well-designed and manufactured timber products is considered to be around 60 years, when the PVC showed the lasting period of around 35 years in comparison. With timber windows and doors we have flexibility of the design in creating a specific and unique details, changes to construction or frame can be easily amended.

Another benefit of wood is that you can easily change the colour of it comparing to PVC which is simply white and cannot be easily repainted.
Address Thornton House, Thornton Rd
SW19 4NG
United Kingdom
Telephone number 07798 652 923
Nearest Tube Station South Wimbledon
Nearest Rail Station Wimbledon
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Latitude: 51.4199457
Longitude: -0.219082399999934

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