Description Sheer WP Maintain offers a white label Wordpress maintenance service for the clients of marketing and creative agencies across the UK and Europe.

If you are concerned about the security of your client’s Wordpress websites, you are right to be as the threat from hackers has never been greater. Investing in a white label Wordpress maintenance package will protect your Client’s websites against intrusion and hacking.

Without regular updates to Wordpress CMS and Plugins your Clients website is vulnerable to hackers who use free software to scour the internet for unprotected sites they can infiltrate.

If your agency is pushed for time or you don’t have the resources to offer your clients Wordpress maintenance support, then outsourcing it to Sheer WP Maintain is the perfect solution.

The Sheer WP Maintain White label Wordpress maintenance service includes:

  • Weekly Wordpress core, theme & plugin updates
  • Weekly off-site backups
  • Daily server uptime monitoring
  • Daily malware monitoring
  • Daily SSL monitoring
Address 86-90 Paul Street
United Kingdom
Telephone number 020 7193 9819
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