Description Live in Care by The Good Care Group offers a great alternative to residential care. With a 24 hour live in carer, you will be provided with a professional and personalised service within the comfort of your own home. Staying in safe and familiar surroundings can greatly improve your quality of life, helping you maintain your independence whilst also receiving the support you require. Clients who receive live in care by the good care group see an improved quality of life and well-being, fewer falls and a reduced decline in function.

In addition to general care and support, we also have specialist services for complex conditions such as Dementia, Parkinson’s, MS and Stroke rehabilitation. We provide permanent care placements, and periods of short term respite care following hospital discharge, in an emergency or if your primary family carer needs to take a break or holiday.
Address 15th Floor, Tower Building, York Road
United Kingdom
Telephone number 0808 2740 017
Fax number 020 3728 7576
Nearest Tube Station Waterloo
Nearest Rail Station Waterloo
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Latitude: 51.5039886
Longitude: -0.11466240000004291

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