Description A small, independent children’s junior school that opened in January 2012 in East Finchley, North London for children with specific learning differences such as Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. We offer an exciting new approach to your children’s learning, tailored to the needs of your individual child.

Limespring Education Centre creates a school experience that every child enjoys in which they grow in confidence to engage with their learning, to demonstrate their own achievements & emerge, feeling a great pride in their improved success. Having high expectations are the norm for all children and individual talents and aspirations should be celebrated. Your child will shine at Limespring Education Centre.
Address Park House, 16 High Road, East Finchley
N2 9PJ
United Kingdom
Telephone number 020 8444 1387
Nearest Tube Station East Finchley
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Latitude: 51.587916
Longitude: -0.164139

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