Description Late Payment Legislation enables us to provide our Clients with a true no cost debt recovery solution! As our name suggests we act and work as advocates for our clients, championing their lawful right to recover money which is legally and rightfully theirs.

You should not have to pay to recover debts that have not been paid on time, that’s what the Law says and that’s why we use Late Payment Legislation to its full effect by charging our recovery fees to the debtor. We’re dedicated and professional but we’re also approachable and friendly!

The whole team at Advocate take great pride in the outstanding results we achieve and the strong long-term working relationships we build with our clients. And when it comes to debt recovery you will find we do things differently.
Address 20 Old Bailey
The City
United Kingdom
Telephone number 020 3093 8793
Nearest Tube Station St. Paul's
Nearest Rail Station City Thameslink
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Latitude: 51.515736
Longitude: -0.102392

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