Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
London Business Directory » Public & Social Services » Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
Out In The City is an independently owned and published, full-color A4 magazine. It is the only freely-distributed monthly publication that solely targets London’s vibrant, diverse and ever changing LGBT community.
City of Westminster, London, NW1 6EA 020 7258 1777 Website
The Albert Kennedy Trust is a voluntary organisation, created in 1989 to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people, living in a hostile environment or in housing crisis.
Camden, London, EC1N 7RJ 020 7837 7324 Website
Wise Thoughts creates, designs and delivers unique arts initiatives and services that address social justice issues and the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) and queer communities, as well as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) co
Haringey, London, N22 6XD 020 8889 9555 Website